Ask an Editor

Developmental editor and publication manager Eva Barrows and I host monthly Zoom sessions answering authors’ most pressing questions about working with editors.

Register (scroll down) for any of our free upcoming workshops for a deep dive into the month’s editing-related topic. Come prepared with examples and questions from your writing project, and leave with answers.

As a bonus, you’ll meet and mingle with other authors and writers looking to hone their craft.

"Ask an Editor" is a free workshop series demystifying the author-editor relationship.

"Many thanks again for the wonderful presentation on editing. That so many members hung around to talk with you and ask questions showed how helpful and informative they found your talk."

Would you like us to speak at your writing group or writers’ conference? We present at both online and in-person events (depending on location). Contact us here for more information:

April 2025 Workshop

How Can I Stop Writing Boring Stories?

Taking a story idea and translating it into an entertaining tale ready for an audience to experience is a huge undertaking. There’s always some writing craft element that can be strengthened—even for the stories we think are done.

In this free one-hour Zoom session, editors Eva Barrows and Lila LaBine will look at common writing issues that bog stories down. From aimless characters to sentences that all sound the same, you’ll learn to spot the boring parts and replace them with story-specific excitement.

Join us live to ask your own questions during the Q&A portion!

Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2025

Time: 11 a.m. Pacific Time

May 2025 Workshop

How Can I Hook Readers With My Story?

There are many reasons a reader might put down a book and just as many that keep them engaged and reading way past bedtime. Being immersed in a world populated by dynamic characters forced to take action and make tough decisions keeps readers wanting to find out what happens next. Using polished, consistent, and beautiful language helps readers speed through your book’s pages.

In this free one-hour Zoom session, editors Eva Barrows and Lila LaBine will discuss what keeps readers reading and how authors can create unputdownable stories.

Join us live to ask your own questions during the Q&A portion!

Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2025

Time: 11 a.m. Pacific Time

Watch "Ask an Editor" Recordings Here